Reports on Climate Impacts Call for Courageous Financial Interventions to Bolster Resiliency
Recent reports on climate impacts and adaptation provide further justification for bold actions now to move Canada to a low-carbon and resilient economy. It’s clear…
Businesses Will Miss Opportunities Waiting for Government Action on Sustainable Finance
In June, the federal government’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance released its final report, comprised of 15 recommendations for how Canada can build a stronger, greener…
Takeaways from the NY State Common Fund’s Decarbonization Advisory Panel Work
The New York State Common Retirement Fund (Fund) the third largest pension plan in the United States, recently published their Climate Action Plan following the recommendations of…
Toronto’s First Resilience Strategy Needs Broad Societal and Political Support
The City of Toronto released its first Resilience Strategy earlier this month. The strategy sets out a vision, goals, and actions to help Toronto survive, adapt and…