Climate Tech Crunch
At the intersection of climate change, big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, there is extreme potential. Expert insights are required for organizations to understand…
Sustainable Classification System (Green Taxonomy)
A Canadian-Specific Standard is Needed Today, the term sustainable finance refers mainly to public and private funds earmarked to support a transition to a low…
Bringing Climate into Focus through the Climate Lens
Funding opportunities from Infrastructure Canada require projects to understand their climate change risks, resilience strategies, and GHG emissions. Over the next 12 years, Infrastructure Canada (INFC) expects…
To the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance
Looking ahead for the long-term The work by the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance was a welcome initiative by the federal government. Manifest hopes that…
(Back)Stopping Climate Change – Overview of the Federal Carbon Tax
This guest post was contributed by Denisa Mertiri* In December 2015, the Canadian federal government adopted the Paris Agreement’s commitment to intensify actions and investments…