
The Status of TCFD Reporting Requirements in Canada

The Status of TCFD Reporting Requirements in Canada TCFD Reporting Requirements in Canada

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is the global standard for corporate climate change disclosure and reporting. Endorsed by the G7 and G20, more than 2,200 organizations have committed to support TCFD reporting, with countries like the UK and New Zealand having introduced mandatory TCFD reporting and disclosure requirements. In this blog, we […]

Our Energy Transition: Converting Roadmaps into Plans

Our Energy Transition: Converting Roadmaps into Plans

There’s no shortage of recent publications from international agencies focusing on the energy transition to net-zero. Most share common features: an urgent call to action, another prompt to investors to re-map their investments, and a degree of generalization that makes it hard for any single organization to act. Although we’ll look at all three features […]

Looking Forward: Climate Metrics that Matter

Looking Forward: Climate Metrics that Matter An arrow and a target with a peach color scheme.

July 21, 2021 In this webinar, the Manifest Climate team discusses how investors and regulators are seeking new kinds of information from companies on how they are identifying, assessing, and managing climate risks and opportunities. This goes well beyond a company’s GHG footprint. The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is currently consulting on […]

Unpacking the Proposed Updates to the TCFD Framework

Unpacking the Proposed Updates to the TCFD Framework

Public reporting of climate risks and opportunities has come a long way since the publication of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures’ (TCFD) recommendations in 2017. As of this June, over 2,200 organizations have pledged their support to the TCFD framework, and a number of jurisdictions — including the G7 countries — have agreed […]

Consultation Response for National Infrastructure Assessment

Consultation Response for National Infrastructure Assessment

VIA EMAIL June 29, 2021 Infrastructure Dear members of the National Infrastructure Assessment team, RE: National Infrastructure Assessment – Consultation Response We appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback on the three priorities identified in Infrastructure Canada’s Engagement Paper on the National Infrastructure Assessment (the “Assessment“). We consider this engagement to be timely and critical to […]