
Climate Governance: Why your customers, compensation and career all depend on it

Climate Governance: Why your customers, compensation and career all depend on it A close-up of gears in shades of peach and orange.

May 18, 2021 For this webinar, Manifest Climate team members, Alisa Kinkaid and Pete Richardson, are joined by EcoAdvisors‘ Hari Balasubramanian for a discussion on the impact that climate stewardship has on corporate governance, and how that plays into customer retention, compensation and career development. Corporate governance has a long and storied history. In this webinar, […]

What it’s like to Interview at Manifest Climate

What it’s like to Interview at Manifest Climate Young woman making a video call through computer

At Manifest Climate, we are scaling rapidly to meet the demands of a global market transitioning to a low-carbon economy. As an organization, we embrace self-management philosophies and continuously evolve to meet our highest purpose. We’re committed to our purpose and to each other’s growth. We believe that building the best team starts with finding […]

UK Government: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

UK Government: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

May 5, 2021 Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Dear Consultation Working Group,  RE: Consultation on requiring mandatory climate-related financial disclosures by publicly quoted companies, large private companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs). Manifest Climate is pleased to provide you with this submission in response to the Consultation on requiring mandatory climate-related financial disclosures […]

Manifest Climate Selected as Honorable Mention in the Experimental Category of Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards

Manifest Climate Selected as Honorable Mention in the Experimental Category of Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards

New York, May 4, 2021 — The winners of Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards were announced today, honoring the businesses, policies, projects, and concepts that are actively engaged and deeply committed to pursuing innovation when it comes to solving health and climate crises, social injustice, or economic inequality. Manifest Climate is honored to […]

Net-Zero Strategy: A Blueprint for Achieving Sustainability

Net-Zero Strategy: A Blueprint for Achieving Sustainability net zero climate change infographic

A global transition toward net-zero emissions by 2050 has begun. As we explored in our recent post, “Why Your Business Needs a Net-Zero Strategy,” this means  businesses are facing pressure to work toward a net-zero state in which they balance the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions they produce with measures that reduce and remove emissions.  Businesses […]

New Climate Goals are Driving Demand for Better Climate Disclosure

New Climate Goals are Driving Demand for Better Climate Disclosure New Climate Goals are Driving Demand for Better Climate Disclosure

Last week, US President Biden’s Climate Summit saw several countries announce new commitments to increase their ambitions in reducing GHG emissions. The US, under President Biden, vowed to reduce its emissions to at least 50% by 2030, more than doubling the country’s prior commitment under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed […]

Why your Business Needs a Net-Zero Strategy

Why your Business Needs a Net-Zero Strategy

Corporations are taking ambitious steps to mitigate climate change. Business and government leaders are committing to reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to ensure that global warming stays within safe limits. The term ‘net-zero’ has emerged as a guiding principle for climate action. Net-zero emissions is a state where a business balances the GHG emissions […]

Government of Canada: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

Government of Canada: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

April 12, 2021 Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Dear OSFI Working Group,  RE: Navigating Uncertainty in Climate Change: Consultation Response Corporate Knights and Manifest Climate are pleased to provide you with this joint submission in response to the consultation paper Navigating Uncertainty in Climate Change dated January 2021 (the “Discussion Paper“). The views […]