Message from our CEO Now, more than ever, innovative technology is needed to solve global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing climate emergency. We exist to help organizations understand and manage climate risk and opportunity and we need to scale to have a greater impact. To support this vision, I’m thrilled to […]
Top 3 Misconceptions About TCFD Climate Disclosures
One of the services Manifest provides is helping companies prepare climate disclosures aligned with the recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The TCFD recommendations provide companies with a framework to discuss their climate risks and opportunities under four themes: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. Since the June 2017 […]
Updated Guidance Helps Limited Partners Implement Responsible Investing
Responsible investing is on the rise, however, investors face continuing challenges, including misconceptions, to implement responsible investing in private equity. A recently updated Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) guide designed for limited partners – from venture capitalists to secondary investors – aims to address these challenges. Responsible investing is growing because of greater industry awareness and understanding of core environmental, […]
Climate Change Total Costs Comparable to Twice the COVID-Economic Hit Each Year Until 2100
As the world grapples with the social and economic fallout from the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, evolving projections point to significant economic losses. The crisis may wipe out between $2-4 trillion from the global economy, possibly more if the crisis is not contained, the Asian Development Bank said. This is a devastating loss. In the midst […]
New EU Taxonomy Aims for a Rapid Increase in Sustainable Investing
Investor demand for sustainable investments is growing, but the exact definition of sustainable has traditionally relied on self-reporting or industry standards, creating confusion and a lack of traceability for investors. The new European Union taxonomy, released in early March, aims to assist investors and companies by providing a common language for sustainable activities. By providing a […]
Study of Climate-Related Disclosures by Canadian Public Companies
The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) commissioned Manifest (formerly Mantle314) to conduct a study of the climate-related disclosures provided by 40 TSX-listed companies in their regulatory and voluntary reporting, while assessing alignment with the TCFD recommendations. This reports build off of a similar report by Manifest for CPA Canada looking at disclosures in 2016. […]
How to Manage your Company’s Climate Risks and Harness Opportunities
Over the next 20 years, we will experience receding ice cover, heatwaves, rising sea levels, wildfires, storm surges and other extreme weather events. These climate impacts could cause significant losses, damage, or disruptions to our food systems, drinking water, infrastructure, and the energy systems that fuel our modern lives. They may also disturb our forests and ecosystems, […]
Time for a Bold Response to our Converging Health and Climate Emergencies
The current COVID-19 health crisis portends a future with increased climate-related disruptions where multiple shocks occur causing significant impacts to systems and economies. This experience has highlighted resiliency gaps across businesses, governments and institutions. At the same time, seeing how the global community, businesses, and citizens have come together to mitigate a collective risk that […]
BlackRock’s Climate Warning Needs to Match their Climate Actions
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s latest annual letter to CEOs “A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance” immediately made waves in the financial community and the media because of its urgent call for all companies to recognize and account for the risks of climate change. The letter said the failure to account for these risks would put billions […]