Risk management, a national strategy and plan, oversight and governance, transparent metrics and targets – Canada now has a proposed legal framework for meeting our global climate commitments; and it looks rather like the recommendations of the Task-Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Today, Canada’s federal government tabled long-awaited legislation outlining a roadmap for meeting […]
Sea-Level Rising: The Accelerating Wave
Sea level rise is occurring faster than expected, impacting millions in the coming decades and potentially locking in irreversible changes for centuries to come, says the latest UN climate report. While there is uncertainty in the number of people impacted and how quickly these impacts will be felt, new science reveals that current projections for […]
Where Could a Minority Parliament Find Common Ground?
With Canada’s federal election now complete, the focus is turning towards what the next government will look like. For the first time in more than a decade, no party won a majority of seats. There are many unanswered questions about what a new government will look like and how the different parties will (or won’t) […]
Why Canada needs climate stress testing
4 Tips for Businesses from Climate Week NYC
Climate Week in New York City just wrapped up, and we were in attendance. With more than 300 events taking place, we couldn’t attend everything—but we had a presence at several events discussing the role of sustainable finance and the importance of businesses taking action on climate. Here are the top four things that we […]
Top 5 Takeaways from the PRI’s Leading Conference on Sustainable Finance
Last week, Manifest’s Joy Williams and Laura Zizzo attended, along with 1,700 participants, the annual PRI in Person conference: “Responsible investing in an age of urgent transition.” The Principles of Responsible Investing (PRI) is an investor initiative in partnership with the UNEP Finance Initiative and the UN Global Compact. PRI signatories pledge to implement six principles […]
Canada must prioritize climate-risk disclosure
Reports on Climate Impacts Call for Courageous Financial Interventions to Bolster Resiliency
Recent reports on climate impacts and adaptation provide further justification for bold actions now to move Canada to a low-carbon and resilient economy. It’s clear in the reports, there is opportunity for forward-thinking businesses who plan for the impacts and leverage the opportunities in the short-term. Longer term projections are uncertain, but they point to […]
Businesses Will Miss Opportunities Waiting for Government Action on Sustainable Finance
In June, the federal government’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance released its final report, comprised of 15 recommendations for how Canada can build a stronger, greener and more resilient economy. We welcome the report and appreciate the hard work the four volunteer members of the panel did in just over a year. The expert panel had […]
Takeaways from the NY State Common Fund’s Decarbonization Advisory Panel Work
The New York State Common Retirement Fund (Fund) the third largest pension plan in the United States, recently published their Climate Action Plan following the recommendations of their first ever Decarbonization Advisory Panel. The panel was charged with recommending how to prepare the $210 billion Fund to identify and manage the risks of a changing climate and […]