
To the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance

To the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance A lightbulb on a green background

Looking ahead for the long-term The work by the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance was a welcome initiative by the federal government. Manifest hopes that this initiative will be successful in transitioning Canada’s economy to one that is based on less carbon intensive assets and is more resilient to the impacts of climate change. We […]

(Back)Stopping Climate Change – Overview of the Federal Carbon Tax

This guest post was contributed by Denisa Mertiri* In December 2015, the Canadian federal government adopted the Paris Agreement’s commitment to intensify actions and investments for a sustainable low-carbon future and to limit global average temperature rise to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. In 2016, to honour this commitment, the Government of Canada published […]

COP 24 Shows Steady and Significant Movement Towards a Transition

Cutting through the murky details of treaty text and international negotiations, we offer our thoughts on what those maneuverings will mean for business in 2019. It was a marathon when people are hoping for a sprint. Poland played host to over 22,000 people at the annual UN conference on climate change this past December (COP […]

RI Americas Conference 2018

RI Americas Conference 2018 A blue podium with a microphone in front of a stage

Manifest was pleased to participate on two panels at the recent Responsible Investor Americas 2018 in New York. Laura Zizzo moderated a panel on the alignment with the TCFD recommendations for both companies and investors while Joy Williams participated on the plenary panel on climate change divest/invest debate.  On Laura’s panel, both companies and investors arrived at […]

Litigation Will Force Better Management and Disclosure of Climate-Related Risk

Litigation Will Force Better Management and Disclosure of Climate-Related Risk A law book on a peach background

A Quebec group is suing Canada’s federal government for violating the rights of young people by failing to tackle climate change.  In Juliana v. US, a lawsuit filed by young people against the US government for failing to limit the effects of climate change.  Crab fishermen are suing 30 oil firms over climate change.  Climate-related […]

Why Climate-Related Due Diligence is Essential

Why Climate-Related Due Diligence is Essential Why Climate-Related Due Diligence is Essential

The recently released Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report has been interpreted by many as a bleak warning of the dangers of climate change exceeding 1.5°C. The IPCC report was unambiguous about the existential threat posed by rising temperatures, but after taking a few deep breaths, it is clear that the report also contains reasons for […]

Finance Solutions for Climate Action Needed

Finance Solutions for Climate Action Needed A person working at a computer with a green background

One of the main obstacles to meaningful climate action is adequate capital backing. While government policies and incentives are crucial to drive climate initiatives, solutions require support from a broader stakeholder group. The financial sector has been called out as a crucial participant in solving the global climate crisis.  Pension funds, banks, insurance companies and investment management […]

Unpacking Transition Risk and Opportunity for Canada and the World

Unpacking Transition Risk and Opportunity for Canada and the World A globe on an orange background

The ongoing global transition to a lower-carbon, resilient economy requires significant and, in some cases, disruptive changes across economic sectors and industries. These changes present significant risks for those slow to adapt, but also massive opportunities for forward-thinking organizations. What are risks and opportunities related to the transition and how might they impact companies in Canada and […]