
Laura Zizzo Named Among Canada’s 2017 “Clean50 Leaders”

Laura Zizzo Named Among Canada’s 2017 “Clean50 Leaders”

We are pleased to announce that Laura Zizzo (Founder and CEO) has been named as one of Canada’s “Clean50” for 2017! The Clean50 award recognizes sustainability leaders across Canada and their roles in advancing the low-carbon, clean economy. Laura was recognized for her leadership as a thought leader, lawyer and consultant focused on climate change-related risks and opportunities, and promoting climate-readiness […]

All U.S. Government Agencies Must Now Consider Climate Change in Decision-Making

On August 2, 2016, the White House Council on Environmental Quality released its final guidance for Federal agencies on how to consider the impacts of their actions on climate change in their National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews. The guidance is the result of a six-year process exploring how to factor climate change into Federal decision-making. It […]

Financial Services Sector Uniquely Placed to Address Climate Risk

Financial Services Sector Uniquely Placed to Address Climate Risk Three people looking at a graph on the screen on a orange background

Industry leaders continue to urge companies to integrate climate change into business strategies, financial disclosures and risk management processes. Mark Carney opted to focus on climate risk when addressing the Toronto Board of Trade in July 2016. Moody’s will use national climate commitments in its analysis of the credit implications of carbon transition risk. And Global […]

Ontario Releases Ambitious Climate Change Action Plan

This morning, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne released Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan outlines how the proceeds of Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program – estimated at between $5.9B and $8.3B over the next four years – will be invested in a variety of carbon reduction initiatives to meet legislated GHG reduction targets […]

Obama Administration Pushes for Climate-Smart Acquisitions

The U.S. Federal Government just proposed a new rule that would drive greater disclosure of climate change information in the Federal Government’s supply chain. The proposed regulation, entitled the Federal Acquisition Regulation: Public Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Goals Representation, would require those who provide products or services to the Federal Government to report […]

Momentum for Climate Disclosure Continues as Investors Push

Momentum for Climate Disclosure Continues as Investors Push A rocket launching into space, with a peach-colored exhaust trail

Major Canadian institutional investors including the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Bank of Montreal’s Global Asset Management group and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan have announced support for shareholders’ resolutions urging Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. to “stress test” their operations against a climate-adjusted future. While Exxon and Chevron both conduct their own analysis of climate […]

Climate Risk: Corporate Canada’s Blind Spot

Climate Risk: Corporate Canada’s Blind Spot A yellow target with the word 'miss' written across it

Although the many risks and opportunities posed by climate change are increasingly understood and recognized, Canadian companies have only begun integrating this knowledge into their business models, strategic plans, policies, measurements and reporting systems. Recent weeks have seen numerous developments aimed at encouraging better disclosure of climate risks and enforcing transparency requirements. To help make sense […]

Enforcing Transparency on Climate Risk: Recent Developments

Enforcing Transparency on Climate Risk: Recent Developments A business report with magnifying glass on it on a green background

As climate-related concerns and disclosures continue to gain profile, recent weeks have seen numerous developments aimed at encouraging better disclosure of climate risks and enforcing transparency requirements. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ruled that ExxonMobil’s (Exxon) shareholders are entitled to important climate change information. States across the U.S. are banding together to explore the […]

Manifest Named a Founding Advisory Partner of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

Manifest Named a Founding Advisory Partner of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board A logo for the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), in orange

On March 28, 2016, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) announced the launch of its Advisory Partner Program to support corporate and investor application of sustainability disclosure standards and guidance. We are proud to have been selected as one of the ten founding Advisory Partners and the only Canadian firm certified to support the application of SASB standards. […]

Prime Minister and First Ministers Will Work Towards Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

Prime Minister Trudeau and provincial premiers emerged from the First Ministers meeting held in Vancouver last week announcing an agreement to work towards a national climate change plan. On March 3, 2016, Canada’s First Ministers issued a joint communiqué and released the Vancouver Declaration on Clean Growth and Climate Change (the Declaration), which outlines the consensus reached at the […]