Today, Manifest Climate is releasing its Winter ‘2024 product release. This release features a number of updates to our climate framework and disclosure management platform, from UI updates to entirely new features.
Assess overall disclosure alignment in a single view
A new multi-standard view gives users the ability to see a combined disclosure assessment against a number of selected standards in a single view.
A multi-standard view will help ease the burden of cross-jurisdictional reporting and give users greater clarity around their overall climate disclosure maturity. Starting from this view, users can switch between individual frameworks in a single click to dive deeper into their alignment with specific standards.
One of these standards is the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which is newly added to the platform as part of this winter release.

Share progress quickly with board-ready downloads
Quickly and confidently share your progress with external shareholders in just a few clicks with our board-ready downloads. We’ve given users the ability to export all the information from their disclosure alignment summaries in a format that works for them. In the coming weeks, users will be able to export summaries as spreadsheets and keynote presentations, making it easy to share your team’s climate results and progress with external stakeholders.
No more analysis paralysis — introducing custom action recommendations
In the information age, what matters is not just getting access to the right data, but knowing what to do with it. We know that many of our users face indecision with where to start in improving their climate disclosures and climate risk management generally, and our new recommendation engine helps to dispel some of this confusion and gives users a clear sense of direction.
Once your disclosure assessment is processed, Manifest Climate suggests a ‘top five’ list of five action items we recommend you begin with to close the largest gaps in your disclosure alignment, based on a) your current climate practices and public disclosures b) the recommendations or requirements of your particular standards, c) the best practices of the peers you’ve selected, and d) best practice and top performance for your industry as a whole.

Each climate action item is presented with detailed information on the standards it applies to and how you stack up against your peers on this particular item. Each item also links to other related action items. We’ve also improved our climate action planning functionality, allowing users to assign priorities (Awaiting Prioritization, Now, Next, Later) to individual action items.
These changes are designed to make the assessment and planning processes more efficient, helping climate and sustainability teams action and implement faster.
New way to prioritize climate actions (Sector Uptake View)
To best understand disclosure trends within your industry vertical, we created a new Sector Uptake View, which shows which climate actions are the most and least commonly disclosed in a company’s sector.
Learn from best practice disclosure examples
Rather than flying blind, users can find specific best practice disclosure examples for each action item from our cross-sectoral leaders. Climate teams can use these examples to help guide them in tackling or improving the action items on their climate roadmap, and get inspired by how their peers are narrating their climate stories in their disclosure.
Drill down on disclosure performance with the Disclosure Index
Our new Disclosure Index goes a step further than your disclosure alignment summary and maps your organization’s climate performance (based on your public disclosures and your climate profile within the platform) to the specific section or legal line item within each of the standards you’re disclosing to.
The Disclosure Index gives users the ability to see detailed information about what a particular standard requires and how they measure up. These results are auto-generated once you’ve filled out your climate profile, requiring no extra manual work but offering multiple layers of granular detail to your disclosure assessment. Users can take advantage of these granular breakdowns to give credibility to their climate plans and strategies.

Track peers and industry leaders with ease
Our new product release comes with a number of UI upgrades, most notably within the Tracker dashboard. The Tracker, which is the primary source of peer and industry benchmarking intelligence for users, is now presented horizontally to enable easier visual comparisons between your organization and its peers.
Get Manifest Climate today
Manifest Climate helps sustainability and climate teams get a clear picture of their alignment to disclosure standards and regulations. From TCFD to CSRD to ISSB and more, our platform identifies what you’re doing well and where you can improve, and offers clear direction for taking action.