Canada’s climate is warming at nearly twice the global average rate and Northern Canada is warming even faster, according to the federal government’s sobering national assessment on the impacts of climate change in Canada. Canada’s Changing Climate Report is yet another warning to governments and businesses that we must urgently adapt to the changing climate to […]
Tag: Canada
Litigation Will Force Better Management and Disclosure of Climate-Related Risk
A Quebec group is suing Canada’s federal government for violating the rights of young people by failing to tackle climate change. In Juliana v. US, a lawsuit filed by young people against the US government for failing to limit the effects of climate change. Crab fishermen are suing 30 oil firms over climate change. Climate-related […]
Unpacking Transition Risk and Opportunity for Canada and the World
The ongoing global transition to a lower-carbon, resilient economy requires significant and, in some cases, disruptive changes across economic sectors and industries. These changes present significant risks for those slow to adapt, but also massive opportunities for forward-thinking organizations. What are risks and opportunities related to the transition and how might they impact companies in Canada and […]
Federal Expert Panel on Climate Change Proposes 54 Indicators to Measure Adaptation and Resilience
Preparing for the impacts of a changing climate requires coordinated efforts across sectors. Many in government, business, academia and civil society have worked to build resilience in our communities and economy. But to what extent has collective action and investments actually built adaptive capacity? How ready is Canada for a climate-adjusted future? In August 2017, […]
Despite Ontario Policy Uncertainty, Global Movement on Climate Continues with European Leadership
The new Ontario government have brought much uncertainty to the fate of the provincial climate policies implemented by the Liberal government over their last term. The newly elected Progressive Conservatives announced their intention to dismantle the cap-and-trade system, which generated $2.8 billion in revenue for the province and were earmarked to be invested in initiatives aimed at reducing […]
Tracking Financial Flows in Support of Canada’s Transition to a Low-Carbon, Resilient Economy
Canada is continuing to advance its efforts in addressing climate change while developing a vision for diversifying and growing its economy. The climate-forward budgets being rolled out and funds being allocated to climate mitigation and adaptation efforts across various levels of government re-affirm Canada’s commitment to transition to a low-carbon and resilient economy. Below is a […]
Canadian Securities Regulators Report on Need for Better Climate Disclosure
On April 5, 2018, the Canadian Securities Administrators (the CSA) published CSA Staff Notice 51-354 Report on Climate Change-related Disclosure Project (the Notice). The Notice details the findings of its year-long review of Canadian climate disclosures. It summarizes the current state of climate-related reporting in Canada, discusses perspectives of both reporting companies (issuers) and users (investors, analysts, […]
2017 Budget – Creating Canada’s Clean Growth Economy
The 2017 Budget reiterated the Federal Government’s commitment to decarbonizing the economy with significant investments planned in green infrastructure and the growth of clean technology sector. This solidified the progress from 2015 and 2016 that started with Canada’s commitment to the Paris Agreement, followed by the Vancouver Declaration on Clean Growth and Climate Change and the […]
Homeowners and Businesses Increasingly Expected to Take Flood Risk Reduction into Own Hands
Floods are one of the most expensive natural disasters endured by North Americans today. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, an estimated 1.7 million Canadian homes are at risk of flooding. Flood events are also estimated to cost US companies US$6 billion in insured losses annually. And Canada is only getting wetter; a trend that has been […]
Momentum for Climate Disclosure Continues as Investors Push
Major Canadian institutional investors including the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Bank of Montreal’s Global Asset Management group and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan have announced support for shareholders’ resolutions urging Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. to “stress test” their operations against a climate-adjusted future. While Exxon and Chevron both conduct their own analysis of climate […]