Cover image of TCFD Metrics and Targets White Paper by Manifest Climate

TCFD Metrics and Targets White Paper – What Does Good Look Like?

March 24, 2022

There’s never been more attention on net-zero goals and decarbonization, which is why companies’ emissions targets and their processes for tracking them matter.

While the metrics and targets pillar of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) focuses on emissions, it also looks at a number of other critical climate-related metrics. 

Using real-world examples, our white paper explores what ‘good’ disclosures look like in the metrics and targets area and why it’s important to focus on all climate-related metrics. Our report also recognizes the range of climate metrics and how their management and disclosure relate to other TCFD pillars. 

Download Manifest Climate’s latest white paper here to find out what quality disclosures look like under the metrics and targets category of the TCFD. 

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