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What Companies Need to Know About Climate Disclosure and TCFD

June 23, 2020

Climate change poses threats and opportunities to organizations, increasing calls for better climate-related disclosure and resiliency planning. The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is emerging as the preferred framework to consider and disclose climate-related risk and opportunity (related to both the transition to a net-zero carbon economy and dealing with increasing global temperatures and more extreme weather events).

Are you interested in the latest TCFD-related developments? Is your business considering aligning your public reporting with the recommendations from the TCFD?

Our climate disclosure experts discuss how to begin the TCFD process, the latest trends on climate disclosure, and what your business needs to know. Watch below!

Watch webinar

Presented by:

Laura Zizzo

Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer
Manifest Climate

Joy Williams

Climate Strategist
Manifest Climate